What are bookmarks?
Bookmarking a paper is a way to mark the paper as something you'd like to read later. You will see the option to bookmark other people's documents and papers. However, you can not bookmark your own papers.
Downloading a paper automatically bookmarks that paper. You can also bookmark a paper without downloading it. You can do that in two ways.
From the profile
Simply select "Bookmark" under the paper you wish to bookmark!
From the paper page
Select three dots next to the other paper action buttons, then select "Bookmark" from the drop-down menu.
Accessing Your Bookmarks
You can always access your bookmarks by selecting "Tools" in the top navigational bar, then selecting "Bookmarks."
You can also access your bookmarks by clicking here. If at any time you want to remove a paper from your bookmarks, simply click "Bookmarked" on that paper and the document will be gone when you refresh.
If you have any bulk download paper groups, they will appear in the "bulk download" tab. If you don't have any bulk download groups, or you're thinking about upgrading to Academia Premium for bulk download, you can check out our article on bulk download here.
When you bookmark a paper, it may appear in the news feeds of your followers. Your followers may see a box that includes information about the paper you added.
If you do not wish for your followers to see your bookmark activity in their news feed, you can turn this feature off in your privacy settings.