What are the Academia Premium search options?
To unlock the full power of searching on Academia, you need to upgrade to Academia Premium. As a reminder, all of our features are part of our Academia Premium subscription - we don't have any one-off payments for searches. Additionally, all papers can always be downloaded for free on Academia, and we always include the entire included text of the document added to the site. If you downloaded five pages of a fifty page book, that's all we have, and paying unlock those forty-five other pages.
As part of Academia Premium, we offer the following search features:
Full Text Search
- We'll search the full text of the document for your query or parts of your query.
Search Filters
- You can narrow down any search results you've gotten from any other searches by specific parameters, such as date published, language, or type of content.
Search Alerts
Academia Premium members can save their search queries and have us send them regular updates on that search result. You don't have to search for the same same query every week - we'll update you automatically in your inbox! You can read more on how to use search alerts in our search alerts page.