Your social links include all profile that you want users to view from your profile, including social media profiles, such as Twitter, Facebook, Google Scholar, LinkedIn and Skype. Some default links to known social sites (such as Facebook or Instagram) may show up at all times.
Links that are not shown by default can be viewed by hovering over the link icon.
You can also include any custom links you might want to add. While we do not make any specific suggestions, here are some common custom links that Academia users provide:
- Their department homepage
- Their personal website
- Their portfolio
- Links to personal project sites
If you aren't on your profile page to look at this information, here's how to get there. To add a link, click "Edit Profile" under your profile photo, then scroll down on the edit page to get to your links at the bottom.
If you wish to add a social link, scroll to the bottom of the page to where you see "Social links."
Click in the drop-down menu to see the list of all the built in options we offer, or add in a custom social profile.
Select your type of link, then type in the URL or username in the box. Click "Save Edits" in the top right-hand corner of the page if you only want to add one profile. If you want to add another one, select "Add link" under the one you just added
If you want to remove a profile, click the little "Delete" trash can on the left-hand side next to the one you'd like to remove. Then click "Save Edits."