What is this?
Opening a paper to comments creates a special page, called a discussion, like the one below. Your peers and colleagues can leave comments, either on the paper in general, or with line-specific annotations.
How do I start a discussion session for my draft?
Follow this step-by-step guide.
Who can see my discussion? Who can comment?
Anyone can see that you created a discussion. Some of your followers and qualified users can automatically join your discussion. Others will need to request access from you to be able to see the comments and contribute their feedback.
Note: Your mutual followers (those you follow and who also follow you back) can join your discussion without requesting access from you. Qualified users, such as professors and faculty can also join your discussion without requesting access. All others must be approved by you.
When someone joins your discussion, their followers may see a story about it in their news feed, which may prompt them to join as well.
Anyone with access to the discussion can leave a comment.
How can I extend my discussion?
If you click the Extend button, you will have the option to extend your discussion by 20 days.
How do I access my discussion?
You can access your discussion by clicking your name and profile photo in the top right-hand corner and then selecting "Start a Discussion."
Here you'll see a list of ongoing discussions in which you are a participant, including all expired discussions.
Can I remove a comment from the discussion?
If someone leaves an unpleasant comment, you have the option to remove it by clicking the X in the top right corner of the comment. You also then have the option of removing the participant from the session.
How do I delete a discussion?
Click on the cog in the top right corner, then click "Delete Discussion".
Note: This will not delete the draft from appearing on your profile. If you wish to remove the document entirely, you'll need to go to your profile and also delete the paper there.
What happens when my discussion is over?
When your session is over, you'll always be able to access the discussion and all its comments by going to your discussion page. However, the comments will not be visible to other users, and no further comments can be added.
Discussions, Drafts and Feedback
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