Your affiliation is a key part of your profile and should be as accurate and as comprehensive as you feel comfortable making. Your primary (main) affiliation will always appear at the top of your profile page. If you aren't on your profile page to look at this information, here's how to get there.
If you have more affiliations than we can show in this space - usually two - we'll show a "See More."
When you click this gray text, we will expand this box to show all affiliation information.
There are numerous reasons to have a thorough explanation of your affiliations on your profile. First, complete affiliations give any other academics who view your profile a full and comprehensive understanding of the background and current history you wish to display. Additionally, adding your affiliations to your profile makes your profile appear in the department listings your university's affiliation page.
To add your affiliation, click "Edit Profile" under your name.
This will bring up a page where you can edit all the parts of your profile, including your affiliation.
To find your affiliation:
Start typing the name of your university or institution, and click it when it appears.
If the institution does not appear, please see below for more information on how to get your affiliation added. Please be aware that your affiliation may exist in a different form than you're accustomed to, so you might want to try some different versions of the name of your affiliation. (For example, if you belong to an Italian university, try typing both the Italian name and the English name.)
Then, start typing the name of your department.
If the name of your department does not appear, select "Create New" once you've typed in the full name of your department.
Select your position in the drop-down menu. If you do not see your position in our list of default options, select "Other."
Lastly, click "Save Edits." Your affiliation should now show correctly.
Q. I'm getting a "Something went wrong!" message.
A: Try using a different browser, or deactivating any addons or browser extensions, or restarting your computer. If this doesn't work, please contact us.
Q. When I typed in my university name, nothing appeared in the drop down.
A. If you're unable to find your affiliation on, if your affiliation is missing, or if editing your affiliation does not work, contact us. Make sure you include the following information:
- The full name of your affiliation
- The URL of your affiliation
- Your department (mandatory)
- Your position in your department
- Your current profile URL (for ex:
Q. The name of my affiliation appears correct when I type it, but my profile URL doesn't match the name of my affiliation, or there's a spelling error in my affiliation.
A. Please contact us by clicking here. Please include your profile URL and the name of your affiliation.