As part of our free analytics package, we provide a 30-day impact report which displays an enormous amount of information regarding how users interact with your papers and your profile on the site, and how you match up to other academics that have similar interests and fields of study.
To access your impact report, go to your analytics by clicking "analytics" in the top bar of any Academia window. Then select "Impact."
You'll be presented with your impact report. It's pretty long, so I'll break it into separate parts.
1. Unique Visitors: The number of unique visitors that visited your paper or your profile. If a person visits more than once, it's important to note that we only count one.
2. Downloads: The amount of downloads on your papers.
3. Views: The number of views that your paper and profile have gathered in that span. This includes repeat visits from the same people.
4. Countries: The amount of people from different countries who have viewed your papers or your profile.
5. Cities: The different cities people have viewed your papers or your profile from, and how many from each city.
6. Universities: A list of the universities included on the profiles of your readers.
7. Research Fields: The most common research interests of the users who visit your Academia information.
8. Percent by Views: This displays your percentile on the site in comparison to other users who share your research interests. For our example above, this user is in the top 1% of all Academia users. However, among users with the research interest of "18th Century" this user is in the top 1.4% in terms of views.
9. Job Titles: A list of the positions noted in the main affiliations of the users that have view your profile.
10. Pages Read: The collection of pages read of your papers on Academia. Below it lists the amount of pages read on the site for each individual paper.
11. Traffic Sources: Where people come from to view your site. For example, they could be clicking a link we sent them in email ("Email"), coming coming directly to your profile by entering in your profile link in their browser bar ("Direct") or clicking one of your your items on their newsfeed ("News feed").
12. Search: Were you found on a search engine? We'll show you which one here, if we can find out.