We offer two levels of service in our keywords section.
At our free tier, we'll show you which documents of yours we're showing in our Academia searches, where they've showed up the list of papers, and the approximiate time that they were searched. When you upgrade to Academia Premium, you'll see the actual search parameter any Academia member put in to receive your paper as a result.
You can get more hits and searches by adding research interests to your paper, uploading a full-text attachment to your citation, or including a detailed abstract.
If we have any data from search engines to share, we'll show it at the bottom of this page. Certain search engines, like Google, no longer provide keyword data when traffic comes from their search engine to your page. When we do not receive this information, we cannot list it in your analytics.
If you don't have any keywords, or people aren't searching for you, we'll show you this page.