Something's broken. Help!
If you believe you've found an error with the site, please let us know! You can report bugs here.
The most helpful thing you can do when reporting an error is provide as much detail as possible.
- It's often most helpful to send us screenshots of your browser's developer console. Once you have the console open, reload the page where you're having trouble and take a screenshot when it gets stuck. It also might be helpful to take a screenshot of the network requests tab as well.
- We also like to know what sort of browser and operating system you're using. (Chrome, Safari, Firefox? Windows 10? What version of Mac OS? Is the error only on mobile?)
Opening the developer console in your browser
- In Chrome: View menu → Developer → JavaScript Console, then click the tab at the bottom to Network for the second screenshot.
- In Firefox: Tools → Web Developer → Web Console, then click to the Network tab on the bottom left.
- In Safari: Safari → Preferences → Advanced → "Show Develop menu in menu bar. Then, Develop → Show Error Console.
In Opera:
- First, enable the Developer menu by selecting View → Show Developer Menu
- Then, Developer → Developer Tools
- Then, select the "Console" tab. If you do not see it, select the double chevron to see more options:
- Once there, take a screen shot of everything shown, along with the accompanying page of our site.