Often times, you may download an incomplete version of a document on Academia. This can include, but is not limited to:
- A book cover
- A book cover & table of contents
- The first couple of pages of a paper or other document
- A title page and a suggestion to go to another link or page
We always offer the ability to upgrade to Academia Premium on these pages, but upgrading WILL NOT get you any more of a document than what you have downloaded.
To clarify, upgrading to Academia Premium will never provide a complete version of an incomplete document you downloaded.
We always provide the full version of the document that is uploaded to the site for our free downloads. If you download an incomplete version, that means we only have an incomplete version of the document on the site. We do not paywall lock or otherwise hide any parts of a paper on a site.
The only way to access a full version of a document that is incomplete on Academia is to contact the uploader and see if they have a full version they can share with you. We do not recommend leaving Academia to download full versions, as these often are scams.
Why would I upgrade to Academia Premium, if it won't give me the free version of the document?
Our Academia Premium subscription includes our "Full PDF Package." If your document was incomplete when you downloaded it, the Full PDF Package will not include a full version of the document. Instead, it will include:
- The version of the document we have on the site
- A summary of this paper, if we have one available (not all papers have summaries)
- Documents most related to this paper
- Other documents this author has written
When I upgrade, what do I get?
You cannot upgrade for a single paper. When you pay any money, you always start an Academia Premium subscription. This means you may be billed in 30 days (for monthly subscriptions and low cost trials) or in a year (for annual subscriptions). We do not have an option to "only pay for one paper."
What if I only want to download this single paper?
If you only want to download this document, do not enter in any payment. Select the option which allows you to skip payment.
Again, upgrading to Academia Premium will not give you a complete version of a document if you downloaded an incomplete document.